Belvoir Rail Signs Railway Mental Health Charter

Belvoir Rail Signs Railway Mental Health Charter

Belvoir Rail has proudly signed the Railway Mental Health Charter, reaffirming its dedication to supporting the mental health and overall wellbeing of its employees.

With this commitment, Belvoir Rail continues to take significant strides in creating a thriving work environment and driving positive change in the rail industry.

The charter, developed by industry champions, provides a comprehensive framework that will guide Belvoir Rail's efforts in creating a healthier and more supportive work environment. Signing the charter demonstrates our commitment to promoting mental health awareness, destigmatising discussions around mental health, and fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

James Brown, Managing Director at Belvoir Rail said, "We firmly believe that prioritising mental wellbeing creates an environment where individuals can thrive and achieve their full potential. By embracing this charter, we are strengthening our commitment to an environment where every member of our team feels valued and supported.”

In alignment with our pledge, we are embarking on a comprehensive mental wellbeing journey by implementing a range of support systems, training programmes, and accessible resources.

For more insights into the Railway Mental Health Charter and the framework that guides Belvoir Rail's commitment to enhancing mental health management, visit